feedback from men
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    Walter, 59 y.o.

    Habe auf dieser Seite meine Traumfrau gefunden. Danke für für diese Seite.
    Ich bin sehr glücklich.. Alles verlief Reibungslos und seriös.
    Danke nochmal.
  • Engaged

    Matthew, 40 y.o.
    United Kingdom,Humberside

    we have found each other
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    Mido, 29 y.o.

    very nice site that i never seen, i did not found a girl yet, but i will find one girl that will be my love and i will try to do the impossible to make her happy!!!
  • Engaged

    Rob, 47 y.o.
    USA,Wailuku, HI


    Aleksandra, 28 y.o.

    We are very happy! Thank you for helping us find each other!
  • Married

    Viktoriya, 39 y.o.


    Stefano, 42 y.o.

    мы нашли друг друга на этом сайте, и мы женимся меньше, чем через месяц. Стефано - мужчина моей мечты, которого я ждала всю свою жизнь.
    Я хочу, чтобы те, кто еще не нашли свою половинку, не отчаивались, и верили, что кто-то уже ищет их.
    Мы очень счастливы!
    Il fiore più profumato, la stella più lucente, la musica più dolce e melodiosa...questa è la persona che ho conosciuto su questo sito, che ho incontrato e che presto sposero'. Non importano le distanze e non importa la lingua. Sono importanti le sensazioni, le emozioni e le attenzioni che sappiamo darci l'un l'altro. E' lei che ha cambiato la mia vita. E' lei che aspettavo da sempre. E a lei e alla nostra famiglia dedicherò tutte le mie forze. Stefano.

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    Adam, 42 y.o.
    UK,East Sussex

    I found a very beautiful woman who i been looking for a long time.Thanks very much wish you all the best of luck
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    Heikki, 49 y.o.

    Olen löytänyt tältä sivustolta monta todella hienoa uutta tuttavuutta. Olemme myös keskustelleet paljon asioista. Sivusto on hyvä tutustumis väline.
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    Daniel, 64 y.o.
    USA,Lincoln City, OR


    I have not met this lady of my dreams, but will soon in real time! I never thought I would find anyone I was truly interested in, I mean, enough to actually go through the time, trouble and effort involved, plus the communication difficulties-not to mention all the money involved..but I did. On this site, I contacted or should I say.."hit, winked, sent "flowers" to (love your postcards! great service addition!)-several hundred woman. Of course, not all responded. Some did. So, I started communicating with the ones that responded. Some were eager, some distant, most dead ends. However, one lady really stood out. Here is the best part. I dropped her because she spoke no English, and we were having a terrible time communicating. As you know, the differences between the Russian and English language is a gulf as distant as the moon. So, one of my standards was to try and find a lady with Great English Skills. Because of the communication problem, I wrote the love of my life, off. So, I went "shopping" again on this site. Hit up more Ladies. Started more conversations. After several weeks of this, I thought a lot about the Lady I had dropped. There was "something" there. I re contacted her again, apologized for making a stupid mistake, and this sweetheart of a Lady, opened the door again...very cautiously. So we started "talking" again...Well, let's make a short story long, shall we? After hundreds of emails between us...dozens of postcard...we actually fell in love...8000 miles apart. Then we met on Skype. Well, all I can say is, that I found the love of my life...the most dear Lady I have ever know, on this site, and we will be together someday. It will not be easy of course, but I wanted to thank you for reloading my site info, after I deleted it and walked away after having a very bad experience with a very crazy Lady. Your screening is not perfect, but at least you try! I really wanted to say "Thank YOU!" for this site, and your service. Because of it, I believe that even though I am an old Man, my very best days are ahead of me, with an absolute TREASURE of a Woman!
    Thank YOU!

    Dan Eden
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    Carmelo, 44 y.o.

    Grazie a Voi ho trovato una donna interessante e che desidera venirmi a trovare. Un saluto Carmelo
  • avatar

    Trond, 40 y.o.
    Norway,More og Romsdal


    Olga, 34 y.o.

    да, я встретил свою единственную любовь на этом сайте и больше не хочу пользоваться этим сайтом
  • avatar

    Diego, 31 y.o.

    Finalmente ho trovato le persona giusta :)
  • avatar

    Neill, 34 y.o.

    Es un sitio Magnifico y de verdad se puede encontar una Mujer.
    El sitio es es estupendo y hay que agradecer a los administradores la labor de proteccion del sitio vigilando y de verdad con mucha Suerte encontaran la Mujer de su Vida
  • avatar

    Gian, 54 y.o.


    Your feedbacks seem to be BIASED or heavily edited to remove what the managers don't like to hear...old Soviet CENSORING habits die hard :)....
    Some web functionalities are EXCELLENT (eg the translation capabilities, your efforts to stamp out scammers)BUT there are many many others, the most basic, which are simply not up to the standard of the majority of competing websites:

    search functions: it is good that you have more than one saved search but why don't you allow members to search on all the IMPORTANT fields, location, LEVEL of language knowledge etc

    ability to manage the contacts and how one views them are simply of no or little use,

    The view of a member's page is cumbersome and not streamlined: There is no flag to indicate how many messages have been exchanged and how many times I have viewed their profile.

    there is no way to delete or to filter members that can contact you (eg age, location, number of children etc)

    One should be able to search for members that have been active in determined periods, today, this week, this month 3 months 6 months. You have a vast percentage of members that are not active

    the chat facilities are simply, pardon the strength of the adjective, prehistoric!

    I wonder if the female webmaster team receives input from a male's perspective :)

    I nearly forgot, you need to put more emphasis on the "RESPONSES TO SOME QUESTIONS". Why would you put that section at the bottom of the page when it is the most important after the demographic section?

    Overall the website ranks well because of the number of members and the "native quality of the members" :), the ability to be able to view high quality photos, the good support, the psychological compatibility. There are many other aspects that would make this website so much better for us "dumb" users :)

    Thank you for reading....
  • avatar

    Jean-Michel, 54 y.o.

    j'ai trouvé la femme de ma vie
    MERCI !!!
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    Jörg, 54 y.o.

    Ich habe die Frau gefunden.
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    hering, 28 y.o.
    Argentina,Distrito Federal

    I found my partner
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    Alex, 45 y.o.

    yes i found someone
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    Jhon, 31 y.o.

    buena buena pagina para encontrar alguna chica pues el momento no le he encontrado aun pero por el tiempo la encontrare gracias a ustedes y de perseverancia
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    Fidel Volquez, 24 y.o.
    Dominican Republic,Santo Domingo

    muy buena pagina mujeres rusas muy hermosas es lo mejor
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    Marcin, 35 y.o.

    super portal randkowy
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